// 'horizontal Bar' style: menu items that use this ItemStyle are 40px wide, have 10px gaps // between them, no popout indicator (the ">" in some menus) or popout indicator position, // 0px padding of the text within items, #336699 background colour, a hover colour of #6699CC, // 'highText' is the stylesheet class used for the menu text both normally and when highlighted, // no border styles, 'null' means fully opaque items (set them to numbers between 0 and 100 to // enable semitranslucency), and the 'hand'/'default' cursors are used for linked/submenu items. var hBar = new ItemStyle(40, 5, '', 0, 0, '#BAC8D3', '#1956A4', 'lowText', 'highText', '', '', null, null, 'hand', 'default'); // The 'sub Menu' items: these have popout indicators of "Greater Than" signs ">" 15px from their // right edge, and CSS borders. Text class also changes on mouseover. var subM = new ItemStyle(20, 0, '>', -15, 3, '#CCCCDD', '#1956A4', 'lowText', 'highText', 'itemBorder', 'itemBorder', null, null, 'hand', 'default'); // 'subBlank' is similar, but has an 'off' border the same colour as its background so it // appears borderless when dim, and 1px spacing between items to show the hover border. var subBlank = new ItemStyle(20, 1, '>', -15, 3, '#CCCCDD', '#6699CC', 'lowText', 'highText', 'itemBorderBlank', 'itemBorder', null, null, 'hand', 'default'); // The purplish 'button' style also has 1px spacing to show up the fancy border, and it has // different colours/text and less padding. They also have translucency set -- these items // are 80% opaque when dim and 95% when highlighted. It uses the 'crosshair' cursor for items. var button = new ItemStyle(20, 1, '>', -15, 2, '10#006633', '10#CC6600', 'buttonText', 'buttonHover', 'buttonBorder', 'buttonBorderOver', 80, 95, 'crosshair', 'default'); // Create a PopupMenu() object, and pass its own name so it can reference itself later on. // We also use a 'with' block to work with its properties and functions below. var pMenu = new PopupMenu('pMenu'); with (pMenu) { // Here's what the values in the next startMenu() command mean, in order: // 'root': the name of this menu. // false: orientated as a horizontal menu (true creates a vertical menu). // 10: the 'left' offset of this menu in pixels. // 0: the 'top' offset of this menu in pixels. // 17: the height of this menu (for vertical menus, this becomes the menu width). // hBar: the ItemStyle used to give this menu colours and layout/formatting. // '': this menu does not display within a frame (see the Frameset Example Script to do that). // false: this menu shows submenus on mouseover. 'true' means show on click. // // Most of the items are 'sm:' items popping out submenus, except the last 'js:' JavaScript command // to pop open a new window. I've also given each item a length in pixels, overriding the ItemStyle. //*************************************************************************************** //*****************ATTENZIONE********************************************************** //349 è LA LARGHEZZA DELLA META' DEL DIV (370 px) meno lo spazio bianco prima della riga //211 è l'altezza del tutto //startMenu('root', false, '(window.page.winW()/2-270)', 174, 14, hBar, '', false); //********* startMenu('root', false, '(window.page.winW()/2-270)', 175, 14, hBar, '', false) addItem("  Home", "index.php?id=0", "", null, 80);addItem("  Chi siamo", "index.php?id=2", "", null, 80);addItem("  Struttura", "m10", "sm:", null, 80);addItem("  Specialità", "index.php?id=3", "", null, 80);addItem("  Prezzi", "index.php?id=5", "", null, 80);addItem("  Divertimento", "m8", "sm:", null, 80);addItem("  Dove siamo", "index.php?id=7", "", null, 80);addItem("  Contatti", "mailto:info@hotelgenzianella.net", "", null, 80);startMenu("m8", true, 0, 15, 100, subM, "", false);addItem("Sport", "index.php?id=61", '');addItem("Escursioni", "index.php?id=3", '');startMenu("m10", true, 0, 15, 100, subM, "", false);addItem("Bar", "index.php?id=31", '');addItem("Ristorante", "index.php?id=11", '');addItem("Camere", "index.php?id=3", '');addItem("Curiosità", "index.php?id=34", '');} // ******************** MENU EFFECTS ******************** // // Now you've created a basic menu object, you can add optional effects like borders and // shadows to specific menus. You can remove this section entirely if you want, the // functions called are found at the bottom of this file. // BORDER: Added to all menus in a named object using a specified ItemStyle. The syntax is: // addMenuBorder(menuObject, ItemStyle,opacity of border, 'border colour', border width, 'padding colour', padding width); // Opacity is a number from 0 to 100, or null for solid colour (just like the ItemStyles). addMenuBorder(pMenu, window.subBlank, null, '#666666', 1, '#CCCCDD', 2); // DROPSHADOW: added to specific ItemStyles again. The syntax is similar, but later on you // pass arrays [...] for each layer of the shadow you want. I've used two grey layers // here, but you can use as many or as few as you want. The syntax for the layers is: // [opacity, 'layer colour', X offset, Y offset, Width Difference, Height difference] // Opacity is from 0 to 100 (or null to make it solid), and the X/Y offsets are the // distance in pixels from the menu's top left corner to that shadow layer's corner. // The width/height differences are added or subtracted to the current menu size, for // instance the first layer of this shadow is 4px narrower and shorter than the menu // it is shadowing. addDropShadow(pMenu, window.subM, [40,"#333333",6,6,-4,-4], [40,"#666666",4,4,0,0]); addDropShadow(pMenu, window.subBlank, [40,"#333333",6,6,-4,-4], [40,"#666666",4,4,0,0]); // ANIMATION SETTING: We add this to the 'pMenu' menu object for supported browsers. // IE4/Mac and Opera 5/6 don't support clipping, and Mozilla versions prior to 1.x (such as // Netscape 6) are too slow to support it, so I'm doing some browser sniffing. // If you don't want animation, delete this entirely, and the menus will act normally. // Change the speed if you want... it's the last number, between -100 and 100, and is // defined as the percentage the animation moves each frame (defaults are 10 and 15). if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('rv:0.')==-1) && !(isOp&&!document.documentElement) && !(isIE4&&!window.external)) { pMenu.showMenu = new Function('mN','menuAnim(this, mN, 10)'); pMenu.hideMenu = new Function('mN','menuAnim(this, mN, -15)'); // Add animation to other menu objects like this... //anotherMenu.showMenu = new Function('mN','menuAnim(this, mN, 10)'); //anotherMenu.hideMenu = new Function('mN','menuAnim(this, mN, -15)'); } // ******************** FUNCTIONS CALLED BY THE EFFECTS SECTION ******************** // These can be deleted if you're not using them. Alternatively, if you're using several menu // data files, you may want to move them to the "core" script file instead. // This is the "positioning from page anchors" code used by the advanced positioning expressions. page.elmPos=function(e,p) { var x=0,y=0,w=p?p:this.win; e=e?(e.substr?(isNS4?w.document.anchors[e]:getRef(e,w)):e):p; if(isNS4){if(e&&(e!=p)){x=e.x;y=e.y};if(p){x+=p.pageX;y+=p.pageY}} if (e && this.MS && navigator.platform.indexOf('Mac')>-1 && e.tagName=='A') { e.onfocus = new Function('with(event){self.tmpX=clientX-offsetX;' + 'self.tmpY=clientY-offsetY}'); e.focus();x=tmpX;y=tmpY;e.blur() } else while(e){x+=e.offsetLeft;y+=e.offsetTop;e=e.offsetParent} return{x:x,y:y}; }; // Animation: // // Each menu object you create by default shows and hides its menus instantaneously. // However you can override this behaviour with custom show/hide animation routines, // as we have done in the "Menu Effects" section. Feel free to edit this, or delete // this entire function if you're not using it. Basically, make functions to handle // menuObj.showAnim() and .hideAnim(), both of which are passed menu names. // // Customisers: My lyr.clip() command gets passed the parameters (x1, y1, x2, y2) // so you might want to adjust the direction etc. Oh, and I'm adding 2 to the dimensions // to be safe due to different box models in some browsers. // Another idea: add some if/thens to test for specific menu names...? function menuAnim(menuObj, menuName, dir) { // The array index of the named menu (e.g. 'mFile') in the menu object (e.g. 'pMenu'). var mD = menuObj.menu[menuName][0]; // Add timer and counter variables to the menu data structure, we'll need them. if (!mD.timer) mD.timer = 0; if (!mD.counter) mD.counter = 0; with (mD) { // Stop any existing animation. clearTimeout(timer); // If the litNow() array doesn't show this menu as lit, and we're still showing it, // force a quick hide (this stops miscellaneous timer errors). //if (dir>0 && !menuObj.litNow[menuObj.menu[menuName][0].parentMenu]) dir = -100; // If the layer doesn't exist (cross-frame navigation) quit. if (!lyr || !lyr.ref) return; // This next line is not strictly necessary, but it stops the one-in-a-hundred menu that // shows and doesn't hide on very quick mouseovers. if (!visNow && dir>0) dir = 0-dir; // Show the menu if that's what we're doing. if (dir>0) lyr.vis('visible'); // Also raise showing layers above hiding ones. lyr.sty.zIndex = dir>0 ? mD.zIndex + 1 : 1001; // Alpha fade in IE5.5+. Mozilla's opacity (pre-v1.7) isn't well suited as it's an inheritable // property rather than a block-level filter, and it's slow, but uncomment and try it perhaps. // WARNING: This looks funny if you're mixing opaque and translucent items e.g. solid menus // with dropshadows. If you're going to use it, either disable dropshadows or set the opacity // values for your items to numbers instead of null. //if (isIE && window.createPopup) lyr.alpha(counter&&(counter<100) ? counter : null); // Clip the visible area. The syntax is: lyr.clip(left, top, right, bottom); // As you can see in these examples, three are static at either zero or the edge of a menu item, // and either the top or bottom is a complicated formula based on the 'counter' variable which // counts from 0 to 100 and back again; this give a nice accelerating-sliding animation. // Feel free to experiment with your own animations, here are some samples (use one only): // Straightforward downwards clipping animation (default setting): lyr.clip(0, 0, menuW+2, (menuH+2)*Math.pow(Math.sin(Math.PI*counter/200),0.75) ); // If you want, comment out the above line and enable this one to animate bottom-upwards: //lyr.clip(0, (menuH+2)-(menuH+2)*Math.pow(Math.sin(Math.PI*counter/200),0.75), menuW+2, menuH+2); // Another alternative: Move+clip sliding animation. Looks really cool :). //if (!counter) mD.origY = lyr.y(); //var newY = (menuH+2)-(menuH+2)*Math.pow(Math.sin(Math.PI*counter/200),0.75); //lyr.clip(0, newY, menuW+2, menuH+2); //lyr.y(mD.origY - newY); // Increment the counter and if it hasn't reached the end (counter is 0% or 100%), // set the timer to call the animation function again in 40ms to contine the animation. // Note that we hide the menu div on animation end in that direction. counter += dir; if (counter>100) { counter = 100; lyr.sty.zIndex = mD.zIndex } else if (counter<0) { counter = 0; lyr.vis('hidden') } else timer = setTimeout('menuAnim('+menuObj.myName+',"'+menuName+'",'+dir+')', 40); } }; // Borders and Dropshadows: // // Here's the menu border and dropshadow functions we call above. Edit ot delete if you're // not using them. Basically, they assign a string to pMenu.menu.menuName[0].extraHTML, which // is written to the document with the menus as they are created -- the string can contain // anything you want, really. They also adjust the menu dimensions and item positions // to suit. Dig out the Object Browser script and open up "pMenu" for more info. function addMenuBorder(mObj, iS, alpha, bordCol, bordW, backCol, backW) { // Loop through the menu array of that object, finding matching ItemStyles. for (var mN in mObj.menu) { var mR=mObj.menu[mN], dS='
'; else mR[0].extraHTML += dS+bordCol+'; left:0px; top:0px; width:'+mW+'px; height:'+mH+ 'px; z-index:980; '+ (alpha!=null?'filter:alpha(opacity='+alpha+'); -moz-opacity:'+alpha+'%; opacity:'+(alpha/100):'')+ '">'+dS+backCol+'; left:'+bordW+'px; top:'+bordW+'px; width:'+(mW-2*bordW)+'px; height:'+ (mH-2*bordW)+'px; z-index:990">
'; } }; function addDropShadow(mObj, iS) { // Pretty similar to the one above, just loops through list of extra parameters making // dropshadow layers (from arrays) and extending the menu dimensions to suit. for (var mN in mObj.menu) { var a=arguments, mD=mObj.menu[mN][0], addW=addH=0; if (mD.itemSty != iS) continue; for (var shad=2; shad'; else mD.extraHTML += '
'; addW=Math.max(addW, s[2]+s[4]); addH=Math.max(addH, s[3]+s[5]); } mD.menuW+=addW; mD.menuH+=addH; } };